Uncompromising business ethics are an integral part of the Company‘s values and of our way of doing business.
The manner in which we conduct ourselves day to day with our colleagues, our customers, our shareholders, our competitors, our neighbouring communities and our suppliers, forms the basis of our reputation as an ethical Group.
Our customers and other stakeholders expect us to maintain the highest ethical standards, to fulfill our commitments and to act with complete integrity towards all our commitments. We must endeavor to live up to our reputation and stakeholder expectations by making sure that our actions and policies are not only legal, but also in line with the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity.
Each of our employee and Sub-Contractors has an obligation to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to our Company‘s operations. These include, without limitation, laws covering bribery and kickbacks, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, information privacy, insider trading, illegal political contributions, antitrust prohibitions, foreign corrupt practices, offering or receiving gratuities, environmental hazards, employment discrimination or harassment, occupational health and safety, false or misleading financial information or misuse of corporate assets.
Our employees and subcontractors are expected to understand and comply with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to their job position.